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Design and User Experience

What's New in Website Design for 2016

What's New in Website Design for 2016

Web design is a fast-moving field, and this year's new design trends, best-practices and technology advances will create an online landscape so visually modern that even the least savvy visitor will stand up and take notice. Here's what you'll see if you decide to give your site a fresh look for 2016.

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 5 Tips for Designing a Great Website Experience

5 Tips for Designing a Great Website Experience

Beautiful websites do little if not designed for the people using them. With over 86 billion web pages, it’s easy for users to get frustrated when trying to find the information or products they’re searching for. 

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Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

What do your customers see when they visit your website?

You probably know the answer to this – at least, as long as your customers are using desktop computers. But what does a customer see when they visit your website using a mobile device?

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