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Design and User Experience

<span>How to Create Landing Pages</span> That Convert

How to Create Landing Pages That Convert

A landing page is used to convert visitors into leads by completing a transaction or collecting contact information. When you create a call to action on your website, a link in a marketing email, a social post, or a PPC ad, the goal should be to take people to a designated website page to learn more. Whether the action is purchasing a product, signing up for a free trial, downloading a report, or requesting more information, the role of the landing page is to turn interest into action.

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<span>How to Improve</span> Your Website Speed

How to Improve Your Website Speed

When it comes to websites, lack of speed kills. Your website might offer stunning design, riveting content, and excellent products and services, but all that could go to waste if your site is too slow.

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<span>UX vs UI:</span> What's the Difference in Web Design?

UX vs UI: What's the Difference in Web Design?

If you’re working with a web design agency or web developer to create a new website, you’ve probably heard the terms user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). Both are important aspects of website design and are essential to building a successful website. While they are related and work closely together, they aren’t the same thing.

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<span>Our 10 Most-Read</span> Digital Marketing Blogs of 2018

Our 10 Most-Read Digital Marketing Blogs of 2018

At Web Solutions, we consider it an important part of our job to share what we know about digital marketing, web design, and marketing strategy with our clients and the digital marketing community. Tactics, technology, and best-practices in the marketing industry evolve at a pretty rapid pace, so we're constantly learning and passing our knowledge on to you!

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Mobile Websites 101: Key Mobile Design Terms and What They Mean

Mobile Websites 101: Key Mobile Design Terms and What They Mean

At Web Solutions, every new site we build is optimized for mobile, and we've updated many of our older sites to make them mobile-friendly. We’ve also written several blog posts about how important mobile optimization is for modern websites, but there's still a lot of confusion out there about what it means to have a mobile website, how they're built, and what technology and design approach they use. Here are some key mobile-related terms, and what they mean for you.

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Is It Time to Redesign? 6 Smart Reasons for a Website Upgrade

Is It Time to Redesign? 6 Smart Reasons for a Website Upgrade

A website redesign can be a game-changer for your business, but it can also take significant resources in time and money, so it’s not a decision to be made lightly. The average lifespan of a well-designed website is 3 to 7 years, but time alone shouldn’t be the main reason for a redesign. That decision should depend less on trends and more on whether your audience is effectively engaging with your site. Here are some good reasons to consider a website redesign and how to determine if they apply to you.  

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