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Design and User Experience

4 Signs Your <span>Logo Needs an Update</span>

4 Signs Your Logo Needs an Update

Your logo is the face of your business and a reflection of your identity. As an extension of your brand, your logo should be a unique and powerful mark to identify your company, improve your image, engage customers, and drive business. If your logo isn't doing its job, it might be time for a change.

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Is Your Website Making the Right First Impression?

Is Your Website Making the Right First Impression?

It only takes a fraction of a second for visitors to form an opinion about your website. While things like testimonials, reviews, and a high quality blog definitely contribute to the credibility of a website, a first impression is based on the things a user can perceive in those first crucial moments. Here’s what your site needs for a great first impression.

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How to <span>Increase Website Conversions</span> to Get More Sales

How to Increase Website Conversions to Get More Sales

One of the main goals of any website is to drive visitors to perform a desired action, such as make a purchase, schedule an appointment, or download a whitepaper. These conversions are what generate leads, turn visitors into customers, and keep existing customers coming back. Follow these 11 tips to improve your website conversion rates.

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