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Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Great Manufacturing Website in 2020

How to Create a Great Manufacturing Website in 2020

As a manufacturing company, you need a website that clearly exhibits your innovation and technological expertise to inspire prospects to contact to your sales team. Whether you’re designing a new website or making user-focused updates to your existing site, these tips will help you turn your manufacturing website into a powerful marketing tool.

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<span>Free Digital Marketing Tools</span> for Competitor Analysis

Free Digital Marketing Tools for Competitor Analysis

It’s always good to know what your competitors are up to. Do they have a new product you should consider adding to your inventory? Are they offering a special deal or discount you should match or beat? Are they using a sales or marketing tactic you should be trying? Have they made a PR misstep that your company can capitalize on?

These free tools can help you keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, and use what you learn to drive your business.

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<span>What You Need to Know</span> About Using Employees in Company Photos and Videos

What You Need to Know About Using Employees in Company Photos and Videos

Using your employees in photos and videos—in everything from social posts to annual reports to product demonstration videos—is a great way to show your company’s personality. But using photos or other personal representations of your employees might get you into trouble if you don’t understand the risks and take steps to protect yourself.

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<span>Want to Master Your Marketing?</span> Know Your Audience.

Want to Master Your Marketing? Know Your Audience.

In marketing, everything comes down to knowing your audience. SEO, user experience, conversions, content marketing—no matter what marketing tactic you use, the more you know about your audience, the more effective you’ll be at engaging their interest and turning them into loyal customers. But how do you get to know your audience, exactly?

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