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Marketing Strategy

<span>13 Different Types </span>of Marketing, What They Mean and When to Use Them

13 Different Types of Marketing, What They Mean and When to Use Them

In the modern marketing world, there are several types of marketing with fairly self-descriptive names: digital marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing. But what about those marketing approaches with less clear labels, like inbound marketing, lifecycle marketing and experiential marketing? Next time you hear an unfamiliar marketing term, check this glossary of marketing types and approaches.

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<span>5 Things You Need to Do</span> Immediately After a Website Launch

5 Things You Need to Do Immediately After a Website Launch

Your new website is live … now what? Launching a new website is a huge achievement that can do wonders for your business—it can establish an engaging brand identity, improve credibility, create a positive perception of your business, and slingshot you ahead of your competition. But while a new website is a significant milestone, it’s not the end of your marketing journey.

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<span>13 Product Page Enhancements</span> That Will Make Online Shoppers Click “Buy”

13 Product Page Enhancements That Will Make Online Shoppers Click “Buy”

For an ecommerce website, the product page is crucial. It’s the very bottom of the sales funnel, where potential customers decide whether to buy or pass. Making sure your ecommerce product pages are doing everything right is the best way to minimize abandoned transactions and ensure you get the most sales possible. Follow these tips for high-converting product pages.

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9 Ways <span>Content Marketing</span> Can Deliver Real Results

9 Ways Content Marketing Can Deliver Real Results

By now you probably know what content marketing is. If not, here’s the short version: content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on creating and distributing valuable content to potential and existing customers.

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