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In the Know – the Exposure Blog

We have more than 25 years of experience in digital marketing, but we’re still learning every day. With our In the Know blog, we’re happy to share that knowledge with you.

Mobile Websites 101: Key Mobile Design Terms and What They Mean

Mobile Websites 101: Key Mobile Design Terms and What They Mean

At Web Solutions, every new site we build is optimized for mobile, and we've updated many of our older sites to make them mobile-friendly. We’ve also written several blog posts about how important mobile optimization is for modern websites, but there's still a lot of confusion out there about what it means to have a mobile website, how they're built, and what technology and design approach they use. Here are some key mobile-related terms, and what they mean for you.

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<span>What to Do</span> When Someone Steals Your Online Content

What to Do When Someone Steals Your Online Content

Here at Web Solutions, we make it a priority to use our blog to share our marketing knowledge with our clients, and the world in general. Anyone is welcome (encouraged!) to link to our blogs, but the bottom line is that the content we create belongs to us.

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5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

When it comes to marketing, inbound is in. Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads than paid marketing and costs 62% less per lead. For smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets, inbound is even more effective—84% of small businesses focus primarily on inbound marketing. Here's how to use inbound to build your business.

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3 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site. Now.

3 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site. Now.

There are now more mobile devices than desktops accessing the internet. That means if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re already at a serious disadvantage, and it will only get worse. Here are three reasons you need a mobile-friendly site.

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Top Digital Marketing Tactics for Manufacturing

Top Digital Marketing Tactics for Manufacturing

Marketing for manufacturers used to mean trade shows, conferences, print catalogs, and an entry in the "big green books." Today, as more and more potential clients turn to the internet for research before making a purchase decision, digital marketing is an essential component of every manufacturer’s overall marketing strategy. Even if you already have a strong presence in your vertical, effective digital marketing can take your success to the next level.

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