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Marketing Strategy

<span>What U.S. Businesses</span> Need to Know About GDPR

What U.S. Businesses Need to Know About GDPR

On May 25, 2018, new regulations governing the use of personal data belonging to citizens of the European Union will go into effect. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is designed to protect the privacy of EU citizens but will also have wide-ranging implications for businesses worldwide. According to a survey on GDPR preparedness by PwC US,  77% percent of U.S.-based companies expect to spend $1 million or more to meet GDPR requirements, and 9% percent expect to spend more than $10 million. Here’s what U.S. businesses need to know about GDPR.

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How <span>Visual Search</span> Will Revolutionize Online Shopping

How Visual Search Will Revolutionize Online Shopping

When’s the last time you made a purchase based solely on a written description of an item, without seeing at least a picture of it? If you want a particular haircut, are you more likely to try to describe it in detail to your hairdresser, or simply bring a photo to your appointment?

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<span>How to Set Your Marketing Budget</span> for 2018

How to Set Your Marketing Budget for 2018

The goal of marketing is to drive business, but how do you know how much to spend on marketing to reach your business goals? As with most things, the answer is: it depends. Creating a marketing budget that works for your business depends on several factors, from the overall state of the economy to the specifics of your audience and industry. Here’s what you need to consider.

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<span>Does Your Small Business</span> Need a Marketing Agency?

Does Your Small Business Need a Marketing Agency?

  • Do you have enough customers, leads, and sales?
  • Do you have plenty of time to give your marketing the attention it needs?
  • Are you up to date on the latest marketing innovations, technologies, and best practices?
  • Do you know which of your marketing efforts have yielded the best results?
  • Do you love marketing?

If you answered “no” to even one of these questions, a professional marketing agency can help.

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5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

When it comes to marketing, inbound is in. Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads than paid marketing and costs 62% less per lead. For smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets, inbound is even more effective—84% of small businesses focus primarily on inbound marketing. Here's how to use inbound to build your business.

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3 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site. Now.

3 Reasons You Need a Mobile-Friendly Site. Now.

There are now more mobile devices than desktops accessing the internet. That means if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re already at a serious disadvantage, and it will only get worse. Here are three reasons you need a mobile-friendly site.

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